How to Merge Dictionaries in Python

In Python, a dictionary is a collection you use to store data in {key:value} pairs. It is ordered and mutable, and it cannot store duplicate data. We write a dictionary using curly brackets like this: my_dict = { “id”: 1, “name”: “Ashutosh”, “books”: [“Python”, “DSA”] } Sometimes, we need to merge

Learn SQL – Free Relational Database Courses for Beginners

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a popular programming language used for relational databases. And there are many good free resources you can use to start learning it. In this article, I will list out 8 free online beginner-friendly resources to learn SQL, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. Free SQL CoursesRelational Database Curriculum

Can you code on a phone?

More than half of people worldwide access the internet using mobile devices instead of desktop computers. And if you only have a mobile device, you can still learn to code! We just published a tutorial on the YouTube channel that will teach you how to code on an
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